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Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Diabetes And At-Risk Feet

Retain your physical freedom with proactive podiatry care.

Caring For Diabetic Patients’ Feet And At-Risk Feet

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and lupus erythematosus, are more likely to affect the feet. Although foot complications are common in people with these conditions, they can often be prevented with regular care, assessment, and treatment.

People with diabetes often experience circulation problems and may develop nerve damage that affects their feet and legs. This can lead to slow wound healing and loss of feeling in their feet, making it difficult to notice injuries or infections in a timely manner. Without regular care and maintenance from a podiatrist, minor issues may go unnoticed and develop into bigger problems if left unattended. 

How We Can Help You

You may have at-risk feet if you have neuropathy (a lack of feeling in your feet), ischaemia (poor circulation to your feet), a current or previous foot ulcer or amputation, or a foot deformity.
Neurological assessment is conducted with special instruments to determine any loss of protective sensation within your feet, be it hot, cold or sharp. This can determine how much your feet can feel. Vascular assessments are conducted with doppler ultrasound – the gold standard for determining any restriction in blood flow to your toes– the furthest part of your body from your heart. Diabetes Australia guidelines recommend this assessment be updated yearly.
Routine management and care are incredibly important when it comes to at-risk feet. We do this by trimming toenails, treating dry and cracked heels, corns and calluses, assisting with ingrown toenails and more. At-risk patients can either be proactive or reactive. A proactive approach is the recommended approach as it helps you to minimise the chance of complications. But don’t despair if you’ve been reactive – we’ll get your concern under control and reduce any anxiety moving forward.
Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Treatment Options For Diabetic Patients And People With At-Risk Feet

Treatment options will vary depending on your condition and its severity. We offer a variety of treatments to support your at-risk feet.

When it comes to ulcers, they may be categorised as either vascular or neurological, depending on whether they’re due to poor circulation or poor feeling. We have a wide range of treatment options available to proactively manage your feet, including biomechanical assessments, postural assessments, routine management and care, and treatments and resources aimed at resolving lesions or more advanced wounds such as ulcers. 

Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Why Foot and Leg Pain Centre?

Welcoming And Friendly Team

Our team of experienced podiatrists are as warm and welcoming as they are knowledgeable about all things feet and legs!


We’re all in this together, and we work as a team to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

Experienced Podiatrists

Dr Angus Chard, PhD, has over 30 years of clinical experience and his team are right on his heels!

Referrals For People With Diabetes And At-Risk Feet

Are you a practitioner who sees patients with diabetes and at-risk feet? We’re happy to take referrals and take on new patients who may benefit from our dedicated care. Assist your patients with our proactive approach, as the benefits of prevention are well-established.

We are also happy to collaborate with you and receive your patients under the Enhanced Primary Care Plan arrangement. Get in touch today to learn more about our practice and why we’re a go-to referrer for a number of local practices. 

Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Your Diabetes And At-Risk Feet Care Questions Answered

Many people with diabetes may have nerve damage, which often affects the feet and legs. As such, these people are more at risk of developing foot and leg conditions without notice. This means that conditions may worsen over time without proper treatment. As people with diabetes are at a higher risk of these problems, it’s important that they see a podiatrist for routine management and care.
Diabetic patients should wash and look at their feet every day, especially the areas between the toes. They should look for ulcers, broken skin, and blisters, among other changes. When washing your feet, you may also want to use a mirror to see the soles of your feet clearly.
Yes, it is necessary for diabetic patients to see a podiatrist for routine management and care. Annual foot exams are crucial for diabetes care and are recommended guidelines of Diabetes Australia on a yearly basis, and you should also come in if you notice any changes in your feet outside of your annual exam.
Diabetes may lead to tingling, burning, pain, or numbness in the feet. You may also lose the ability to feel heat or cold very well, see changes in your foot shape over time, or lose hair on your toes, feet, and lower legs.
No, you don’t need a referral to see a podiatrist about diabetes.
Yes, we use an evidence-based approach for all of our forms of treatment for people with diabetes and at-risk feet.
Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Take Care, From The Ground Up

If you have diabetes or another condition that makes your feet more at-risk than others, you deserve a caring and experienced podiatrist to help you manage your risk.

At Foot and Leg Pain Centre, we regularly work with patients with at-risk feet and help to restore their physical freedom. To get started on your journey, contact our team today.