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Foot And Leg Pain Centre


28 bones and 33 joints within each foot: a quarter of your skeleton below your ankles. Stabalise instable arthritic joints will Leave The Pain Behind.

Arthritis (Feet, Ankle, Knee)

Arthritis has many causes, including poor posture/biomechanics and sports injuries. There are many forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gouty arthritis.

Osteoarthritis develops gradually within unstable or poorly functioning joints. The feet (33 joints) forefoot, midfoot, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back are commonly affected.

Conservative treatments targeting unstable symptomatic joints such as footwear prescription, sports tape strappings and various foot orthoses are effect if in reducing and, in many cases resolving arthritic joint symptoms. As arthritis has such destructive effects on an individuals quality of life and independence, biomechanical treatments can form the basis of pain relief, return to activity and potentially slow the degenerative process.

Having restored stability to the unstable symptomatic joint, manual therapies such as, soft tissue mobilisation, dry needling, joint mobilisation, muscle strengthening and stretching programs can restore longer turm function and rehabilitate the arthritic joint.

When conservative and biomechanical treatments for arthritis fail to maintain the desired quality of life or stop the pain, surgical methods may be necessary.

arthritis dural


“Physical inactivity is a great precursor to early mortality due to cardiovascular disease than smoking, diabetes and obesity combined”. (Blair 2009)

Maintaining your Physical Freedom is our primary objective. Getting old is not enough reason to be held back from physically doing what you would like to do. Most musculoskeletal aches and pains can be conservatively treated, rehabilitated and managed.

Over 65’s have increased needs for musculoskeletal aches and pains as they are at greater risk of suffering muscle injury, tendon strains and fractures. Coupled with the known increase in the flattening of feet as we age (Redmond, Crane et al. 2008), emphasis should be placed on being proactive rather than reactive to maintain Physical Freedom.

Postural/biomechanical assessment, along with gait and functional analysis, can assist in recognising the underlying reasons for painful muscle, joint and nerve conditions such as arthritis and sciatica.

When treating leg and foot aches and pains, recognising an individual’s lifestyle and goals is essential to creating a program for musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Trips and falls have recently gained increasing awareness from the medical community due to the complex consequences of traumatic hip fractures. At the Foot & Leg Pain Centre, we implement the British Journal of Sports Medicine program to reduce falls by up to 36% in those over 65 years.(Spink, Menz et al. 2011)

The symptoms of arthritis may differ from person to person and may depend on which form of arthritis you have. Symptoms may be mild or severe and can change with ageing.

The most common symptoms of arthritis can include:

  • Joint pain
  • Joint stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Decrease range of motion
  • Reduced mobility
Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Why Choose the Foot And Leg Pain Centre?

Our team is dedicated to providing each of our patients comprehensive care and support to improve functionality and comfort related to the foot and lower limb region.

Highly Experienced Podiatrists

Our podiatrists regularly treat arthritis and are able to provide you with thorough, personalised care.

Up-to-date Resources

The Foot And Leg Pain Centre uses modern and high-quality equipment and tools to provide the most suitable care to our patients.

Personalised Treatment

Arthritis can differ from person to person, so a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate. We incorporate your needs and goals into a plan that is most suitable for you.

Arthritis Treatment - Dural, NSW

Treatment and management options depend on what type of arthritis you have and what your symptoms are. Options can range from lifestyle changes, medication, surgery, specific exercise programs, and manual therapy. At the Foot and Leg Pain Centre, your podiatrist will assess you and develop a personalised care plan.

Some podiatry treatment options for arthritis can include:

  • Guidance regarding footwear
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Personalised movement and exercise programs to maintain mobility, functionality, and structural alignment
  • Manual therapy, such as stretching, joint mobilisation, and massage
  • Techniques to redistribute the pressure on certain joints
  • Care for issues that may develop due to arthritis, such as calluses and corns
  • Support devices to provide extra stability, padding, pain relief, or correct joint alignment
  • Custom orthotics

Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Arthritis Frequently Asked Questions

The cause differs between each type of arthritis and the reason for some are currently not completely understood. Arthritis may develop due to factors, depending on the type, such as a genetic predisposition, your sex, a history of a joint injury, obesity, and increased age.
If you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms of arthritis in one or more joints, you may benefit from initially seeing your GP. They can refer you to the most relevant health professionals for your condition. Your GP, or a specialist you may be referred to, will likely run diagnostic tests such as blood tests and x-rays. Podiatrists can also diagnose arthritis and advise you of a suitable plan of action.
We can advise you on the most suitable footwear for your unique needs. Appropriate shoes may include aspects such as support, cushioning, and correct fitting to reduce rubbing and pressure.
Foot And Leg Pain Centre

Seek Comprehensive Treatment From Arthritis From an Experienced Podiatrist

If you are dealing with the symptoms of arthritis, whether you have had an official diagnosis or not, podiatry may offer you advantageous treatment options. Please contact our friendly and committed team to organise your initial consultation. We look forward to supporting you and helping you live with arthritis in the best way possible.